Wednesday, October 12, 2011


A conventional plot begins with the exposition, then the rising action, followed by the climax, to the falling action, and finally the denouement. In between the exposition and the rising action, and incident occurs to start a conflict. In between the falling action and the denouement is the the resolution that solves the conflict. In Pride and Prejudice, the plot follows a similar plot; however, it is comprised of multiple climaxes. For example, the first proposal from Mr. Darcy can be considered as well as Lydia running away. All of these incidents follow the model stated above. Another novel that follows this model is the Great Gatsby. The climax the novel being when Daisy ran over Myrdle in Gatsby's car and Gatsby takes the blame for it. The resolution to into the denouement being when Gatsby gets shot. This plot model is the basis for most short stories, novels, and plays. This also is the model that Shakespeare used in his plays.

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